AGRONICKEL - Developing Ni agromining on ultramafic land in Europe
BioC4 - New integrative sustainable system from C4 photosyntetic miscanthus to biological synthesis of valuable C4 compounds
FORBIO - project is about fostering sustainable feedstock production for advanced biofuels on underutilised land in Europe
INTENSE - Intensify production, transform biomass to energy and novel goods and protect soils in Europe
SustainFARM - Innovative and sustainable intensification of integrated food and non-food systems to develop climate-resilient agro-ecosystems in Europe and beyond
VITAL - Viable InTensification of Agricultural production through sustainable Landscape transition
SusCrop is a Sustainable Crop Production ERA-NET CoFund
Thematic Annual Programming (TAP) Soil
Knowledge Network on Sustainable Intensification (KNSI)